Plant Iris in the garden for spring time blooms that stand tall in the perennial bed. Iris make a great back drop with their leaves during the summer months as your other perennials such as daylilies, coneflowers, and salvia bloom. Iris are not like other perennials when it comes to planting them. Iris have rhizomes […]
Here’s my tips for growing a Parlor Palm houseplant
Parlor Palm (Chamaedorea elegans)(Neanthe bella) is an easy to care for house plant that will grow in low light conditions in your home or office and in the shade and humidity of summer. I was given a scrawny Parlor Palm that my girl friend had about a year and a half ago that she had been […]
Can You Control a Groundcover?
Can you control a groundcover? Maybe. I can tell you from experience that you cannot control many grouncovers once they take off (unless you want to spend countless hours pulling and chopping to keep them in their designated area). Seriously, a groundcovers is just that- they cover the ground and choke out anything in its path. […]
Running Cedar- a Native with a Christmas Past
I was so excited to find this a couple months ago in the common areas of my subdivision. I have seen this plant off and on for years never knowing its name but loving the way it hugs the woodland floor usually peeking through the brown crunchy leaves of Oaks. The beautiful green coniferous plant […]
Tropical Pitcher Plant- tips to grow these carnivorous plants
I have had my Tropical Pitcher Plant for 3 years now and have learned a lot. Within the first couple months I realized that I was not caring for this cool tropical plant correctly. The tropical Pitcher Plant does not like temperatures to dip below 50 and seems to thrive in the house in the […]