I have had my Tropical Pitcher Plant for 3 years now and have learned a lot. Within the first couple months I realized that I was not caring for this cool tropical plant correctly. The tropical Pitcher Plant does not like temperatures to dip below 50 and seems to thrive in the house in the […]
How to grow a Schefflera or Umbrella Plant
I have 3 Schefflera plants that were from my dad’s funeral in 1999. Now from the pictures you can see they are wild crazy looking plants that appear to be a bit leggy. Truth be told that is from a lack of sunlight and pruning. I have an emotional attachment to my plants and so […]
Gardening tip #1- watering your houseplants
#1 gardening tip for watering your houseplant: DO NOT use tap water.
The Peace Lily is one of the easiest houseplants to grow
It is true even if you think you have a brown thumb. The Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum sp) is one of the easiest houseplants to grow. The Peace lily will grow in a bright sunny room away from the windows and direct sunlight or it will grow in a north or east facing room with minimal […]
Create your own concrete bench for under $20
What better way to greet visitors in your garden than with a bench! Yes it is possible to create your own concrete bench for under $20. If you have no wood lying around then you are still going to be under $30. The one pictured to the left has a metal Welcome sign that you […]