I decided to write this separate because it could be a separate project on its own. If you are like me you may have bins, drawers, or tins filled with miscellaneous buttons and baubles that I know “one day” I will use. Well finally “one day” came and I found a use for a random button in a random tin.

The console table had a plain wooden knob which just needed something…with a little thought I decided to look through my craft room and find something, anything, I could use to dress up the knob. I came across this button which I thought was perfect. I ran out to the garage and got my Rigid drill driver and a larger drill bit and carefully drilled a hole so the button end could fit in and the button fit flush on the knob. I used my hot glue gun to attach the button and voila it looked like it belonged there.

I did take a trip to the local Hobby Lobby where I am usually drooling for an hour in the aisles but this time I just could not find a knob that ‘spoke’ to me. So empty handed (which is probably the first time) I went back home. Sometimes the idea in my head just has to come from searching my garage or craft room. I love repurposing and upcycling items. It is so fulfilling to create something unique.
Creating. Inspiring. Gardening without the rules!

thank your info
thank you for reading. have a Merry Christmas (Happy Holidays) and a very great New Year