I have not written much on The Garden Frog I realized that I need to fill you all in on what has been happening in my life and garden. This year (2016) will go down in my memories as one of the toughest times in my life. Why? Because my youngest son graduated from high […]
I am a gardener without a garden
I am a gardener without a garden and have been since spring (2016) when I dug up my flower beds and sold hundreds of plants. Going through a divorce and knowing I was going to sell the house, I had to I create mulched boring beds that would be easy for a new home owner to […]
Digging up my garden
Digging up my garden It wasn’t the 90 degree heat of summer (2016) that had me exhausted but the task of digging up my 8 years worth of cultivating my beds from a once barren landscape. It proved to be one of the most difficult tasks for me emotionally and physically. Why did I dig […]
The Hummingbird Moth in the Garden
The Hummingbird Moth in the garden The Hummingbird Moth (Hemaris thysbe) is one of the coolest insects that will visit your garden. The Hummingbird Moth resembles the hummingbird and is sometimes mistaken because it hovers over and feeds on nectar of tubal plants such as Honeysuckle, Phlox, and BeeBalm just as a hummingbird does. The […]