I want to share with you how to build an easy garden bench for under $4 using fence pickets. Yes, you read that right, a small garden bench for the garden for under $4 with fence pickets from Home Depot (you could find these at other stores if a Home Depot is not near you). This project will take a couple hours with my directions and with treated fence pickets this cute little bench should last for a few years.
What you will need for this project:
- 2- 6′ fence pickets
- 28+ 1 1/4″ outdoor screws (I now use Spax screws found at Home Depot) This may depend upon what wood
- Tape measure, pencil,
- Saw- if you have a compound miter saw- great- if not you will need a saw to cut the boards to length and a miter box if you want to do the angles
- Saw and a straight edge if you do not have a table saw or radial arm saw to cut the pickets for the trim in half
Note: if using cedar pickets you need to purchase 1″ brass screws so they will not rust and not go through the thinner cedar pickets.
The directions are for a basic garden bench with screws showing that most beginners could easily do. You are not limited to treated fence pickets and you could use the cedar pickets at Home Depot and the bench will still be under $7. My directions could also be used for barn boards or any other boards you may have lying around. The sky is the limit and have fun.
This bench is sturdy and will hold potted plants or other garden decor. It will also hold someone who decides to sit on it too! I do not recommend this bench for a seating option for grown adults, however, I sat on it and it held me (and I am no lightweight).
I hope you love this idea of creating your own garden bench and let me know how it goes! I had created 3 of them before I got the design down using 2 pickets. I think the final bench is cute and when the treated pickets age they will turn darker and really have a nice aged look.
Creating. Inspiring. Gardening without the rules!
2015-17 copyrighted material C Renee

Note: your measurements for the inside bracket may be slightly different. Attach with 4 screws- 2 on each top board for more security.