Do you need a cheaper and easier way to store your Christmas and holiday décor?
Do you like to recycle and upcycle? 
Did you get a fabulous new sweater for Christmas in a gift box?
Did you know that many of those gift boxes that hold shirts and other apparel work perfectly for ornaments and other holiday décor PLUS they stack in other storage boxes or totes for easy and neat storage?

With this upcycling idea you can take it a step farther than what I will show you. I am not into pretty and fancy storage at this point in my life. I am more about function and price.
I know you are probably thinking “the other bloggers make everything look so beautiful with ribbons and bows”. Well, I gave up trying to be perfect years ago when I found that being perfect means you spend less time with your family (missing out on fun times and great memories). I am a blogger who will share with you from my experiences and sometimes I may have spectacular photos and other times I may not. Bear with me because I am on a learning curve and I am more interested in getting ideas out to you than making sure I have impressive professional looking photos. Creating and sharing good informative content with you, my readers is why I blog. As I learn more about blogging and the technical stuff, I will make changes to my blog (and my sharing). I will share with you many ideas, tips, and tricks I have discovered over the years as well as some of my mishaps or ideas gone wrong. I hope this helps you discover that no one has the perfect life or idea (even though you would think from some of the photos they do).
Oh shoot I digressed…

I did not spend a lot of time making this project pretty. I do confess I tried to spray paint the inside but that was a fail. Then I realized that no one but me (oh and now you ) will see the inside of the box. The purpose of this upcycle was to replace my existing ornament storage which never really worked. Many of my ornaments are priceless (to me) and so protecting them is the only purpose I had for this project.
You can take my idea and run with it. Creating a beautifully lined box or just use some duct tape and cereal boxes and leave well enough alone. Maybe one day I will make the inside pretty. Or not. I am about function at this state in my life.

The hardest part of this project is getting the duct tape to stick to the box strips and not my fingers. You can use hot glue but I ran out of glue sticks and I did not want to spend the time with glue and clips to put the dividers in place. Duct tape is something everyone should have on hand. It can repair a lot of things in your home and yard.
Creating. Inspiring. Gardening without the rules!

2014/2015 copyrighted material C Renee Fuller @ The Garden Frog Boutique
[…] last year (after I found about half a dozen ornaments broken at the bottom of the tote) I upcycled and created ornament boxes out of left over clothing boxes and cut up cereal boxes using duct tape and just quickly put them […]